Wednesday, November 9, 2011

TTT and other cars

The TTT is the invention of my friend Doug but he was kind enough to let me do a number of captions on the theme.
This one is not officially a TTT cap, but inspired by them none the less. Again staring Cavi as the victim, and one sexy car.
Speaking of Doug, his idea so I couldn't leave him out. In fact I couldn't leave him out multiple times. He makes some of the nicest cars ya see. Another cross over with my Cafe, I love world building to death and so WAY over-think all of my friends silly captions.
Here is Doug again, also world building, and his other group the Transmutorcorp. A business that uses transformations to in theory make money. I haven't actually seen anything from them that looks like a business plan yet so we'll have to see how that goes.
I just found this picture and wanted to use it for a car TF.

One thing I love is when things go wrong. It's always funny to see what happens when things don't work out right. Also it's just interesting to take a look at things when they are not bosses inspection perfect. More of that world building stuff.
Of course, we know that actions always have consequences.. or at least they should. Also one of my loves in life is when powerful people have something bad happen to them.. It's a failing I know.
This one was made for my friend Steven after talking to him for a while about how much he loves to see role reversals pop up.

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